River people are the best. There's a great guy down there named Jack Bombardier who lives and guides about two miles downstream. He provided awesome information during the week. The owner of the Hog, Bill Nickerson, got very involved, and made several laps of the County, State, and Federal agencies involved in the management of the river. The word from the Green Mountain dam was probably two more weeks of releases. Nobody really wanted to wait two weeks for lower water. We were lucky the Gypsum Search and Rescue crew volunteered. Bill gave them his consent and understanding that they may not be able to remove his boat without damaging her. The picture at the left shows part of the crew rigging a modified "Z" line. The Gypsum crew put on a clinic on how to pull a dory off a bridge. Their first rope configuration worked lifting the Hog by the motor mount, and pivoting her on the nose in the downstream current around the abuttment.
We did an inspection of the boat, and the only real damge was the side wall at the oar lock tore about 4 inches on either side, and another 7" tear on the sidewall below the gunwale. The inside of the boat looked like she had been scrubbed pretty good. The back mat was gone, as well as the spare oar blade and both pedestal seats. The casting braces, spare oar shafts, fly deck, hatches, rower's seat, and spare rod tube were still there. Jack volunteered his yard as the take-out, and Bill and I took off for his house with a streamer rod. What a day. We have a tough hull that floats! Just the same, it would be just fine with me if I go the rest of my life without seeing a pinned Hog.
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